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The importance of our intra-uterine life and our birth

Our intra-uterine life and our birth can have a major impact on our lives, often without our knowledge…

The little being we all once were is highly sensitive and permeable to its physical and emotional environment. Even if it does not understand what is going on, it feels strongly. These intense feelings are crystallized in the body and subconscious until they are integrated. This can lead to chronic anxiety, deep sadness, a feeling of not being complete or of not fitting in, aggression, a lack of meaning in our lives, guilt, and so on. These repressed feelings are also associated with deep-seated beliefs that have shaped our lives and limit us in the full expression of who we are.

Even if there was no major traumatic event during this initial period of our lives, the birth process itself is considered traumatic. Indeed, the baby moves from a protected, warm, dark environment, where noise and physical shocks are attenuated, and where its vital needs for air and food are taken care of automatically, to an environment that is colder, brighter, noisier and in which it has to take its first breath to survive… all after passing through a narrow channel. This experience comes as a shock to the system, and until it is fully integrated, it has an impact on our lives.

Transformational Breath® helps us to integrate the emotions and traumatic memories stored in our subconscious and our body since our conception – including the transgenerational. As this integration progresses, we feel more freedom, peace, and joy, and can manifest a life that is truly our own. This approach is also suitable for pregnant women, babies, and children of all ages.

The younger we integrate the shock of our birth and our traumas, the less impact they will have on our lives!

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